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Customer Education

Knowledge is Power!

As part of the Oklahoma Capital Bank family, we want you to be in the know so we are providing some links and additional information to help keep you and your money safe!  Check back, as we will add to this page periodically.
Ever wonder how FDIC Insurance works or just how  much insurance your accounts have?  Follow the links below for more information!

If you suspect you could be a victim of identity theft, the link below outlines steps you should follow:

You probably think it could never happen to you, but you'd be wrong.  People of various backgrounds and education levels fall for these slick scams every day.  We've even seen it with our own customers.  Don't let it be you!  The American Banker's Association has put together a useful website showing you how to identify a scam and thus avoid them (spoiler alert, call your bank directly!).  Check out their website HERE.
June 15th is annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.  The day is marked to bring attention to the abuse and neglect of older persons.  This year's WEAAD theme is Senior Safety and Combating Financial Exploitation.  One such exploitation involves pretending to be a government agency to scare the person into divulging confidential financial information.  Read this flyer for more information on identifying government imposter scams.
Are you currently talking, texting, or emailing someone who has suddenly or slowly been telling stories of their financial troubles, possibly hinting they need help?  Maybe this person, whom you've only met online or via text has an incredible investment opportunity you are considering.  If this sounds at all familiar, stop for long enough to watch and consider these victims' stories before handing over your bank account information:

These heartbreaking stories can happen to anyone.  If you are a victim or believe someone is trying to victimize you, do not hesitate to talk with our staff.  You can also call the AARP's Fraud Watch Network at 877-908-3360 from 7am-7pm Monday through Friday and talk to a fraud specialist who will provide free support and guidance.

By the way, we recommend NEVER giving anyone your bank account information - EVER.